27th February Robert Law. "Telescope Makers of Scotland and Lost Observatories"
Robert is employed at the Mills observatory and has a deep knowledge of all aspects of telescope building and observatories, with a passion for discovering lost observatories and searching for telescopes and instruments of significant historic value.
This evening he discussed his efforts and discoveries, with an in depth look at some of the scientists and telescope makers of Scotland and the lost and derelict observatories that were or can still be found throughout Scotland. His talk was well illustrated with historic pictures as well as some more recent photographs of sites he has had a personal part in either discovering or visiting atrifacts and onservatories.
Our appreciation to Robert for an excellent presentation.

Following a short break Alan Clitherow showed us some photographs of deep sky objects and how he photographed them.
(Unfortunately, unlike Alan, my photographic skills, or lack therof, has resulted in no usable pictures of Alan!)
Ken also gave us the sky notes for March, with particular emphasis on the approaching solar eclipse.
To frinish the evening Robert again took to the stage and showed us some movies of the moon taken with a new camera.
Ken presenting the sky notes
Robert Law