George Prophet 1958 ~2017
It is with regret that we note the passing of George Prophet, one of the society’s long standing members. Originally from Forfar, he has lived in the Whitfield area of Dundee for many years.
George joined the Dundee Astronomical Society in 1986, and so has been with us for 31 years.
His astronomical interests were general, and having an interest in photography he has photographed NLC’s, and came out with me to photograph Comet Hale-Bopp from a layby near Auchterhouse.
George served for a while on the committee of his local housing association as well as on the DAS committee, on which he served for many and will be remembered for his services as as the society’s “tea lady”.
He was always a willing participant in a night out to the Fisherman’s!
George’s other interests, (apart from beer), were motorcycling and music. He had various motorcycles, and at one time had an ex Russian army Cossack/sidecar combo, complete with trenching shovel and soviet stars. This particular machine had a shaft drive to the sidecar wheel. His last motorcycle was a Suzuki Bandit which, due to his failing health, spent a lot of time in pieces in his front hall.
His music collection was wide ranging and LARGE, and included a wide range of genres. There was however an emphasis on blues/metal/rock, …….. and LOUD. It was sometimes difficult to get his attention at the door, and I would have to go round the house and chap on his living room window.
George is survived by two sisters and his father.
Mike Fenwick

When I first started attending meetings at the Mills Observatory George was always seated at the back of the room and was the first to greet me, albeit with just a smile and nod. After a few meetings we began chatting, I asking about his health and he enquiring about my astro interests.
He was, to me, friendly although very quiet and reserved. He would attend our annual "meteor Watch" & BBQ at Andy's house where he would sit in the background listening and only speak when first spoken to, and then quietly.
I would not say we had a bond, but I enjoyed what time we had since I too was at the beginning quiet and somewhat reserved.
I miss his company.
Rest in Peace, George, among the stars.
Tony Hayes
George Prophet