2014/15 season
10th October 2014 . Alan Penny: "An update on the latest developments in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence."
24th October 2014 . Stuart Reid: "Searching for signals from the dark side of the Universe"
14th November 2014. Dr. Giles Hammond: "International Year of Light 2015"
28th November 2014 . Christian Killow: Spaceborne gravitational wave observation: Picometre measurements over gigametre distances.
12th December 2014. Graham Young and Jeanette Noble's Christmas Quiz and other jollities
9th January 2015 . First meeting of the new year. Members evening due to unforseen circumstances.
13th February 2015. Dave Gavine (ASE / DAS): "Observing Variable Stars"
27th February 2015 . Robert Law. Mills Observatory: "Telescope makers and lost observatories of Scotland "
13th March 2015 . David Paterson (DAS): "Rosetta : Catching a Comet"
On 23rd January 2015. there was a planned Members Evening of short presentations for which there is no report
2015/16 season
2016-17 season
2017/18 season
October 13th Annelies Mortier (Research Fellow, St Andrews) Exoplanets - Other Worlds beyond our solar system.
October 27th Fergus Cullen (Post Doc Researcher at Royal Observatory) Search for the 1st galaxies with the James Webb Telescope.
November 10th Lisa Lehmann (2nd Year PhD, St Andrews) Exploring Magnetic fields around solar like stars.
November 24th Pam Foster, DAS Variable Star Project and Bill Samson , Jodrell Bank Visitor Centre.
January 12th DAS Members night. Members mini talks on a variety of subjects.
January 26th Alan Clitherow - Society for Popular Astronomy, The basics of deep sky imaging and processing.
February 9th Sadly Sarah Rugheimer had work commitments.Ken Kennedy dicussed interesting features on the Moon.
February 23rd . Colin Steele. (Hon. Member DAS) Horseshoes on Saturn
March 9th. David Paterson. (Chairman DAS). Cassini: 20 years of discovery.
14th October 2016. "Sixty & Not Out" by Ken Kennedy (DAS) and "DAS Members Telescopes Past & Present" by Bill Samson
28th October 2016. Dr. David Gavine. "The Herschels-A Family of Astronomers
11th November 2016 . David Starkey, St. Andrews University. "A Long Time Ago in a (Active) Galaxy Far, Far Away" With Audio
25th November 2016 . Members Evening- an opportunity for members to show and discuss interests.
13th January 2017. Alan Clitherow Basic Planetary Imaging. Includes Audio, Video and full transcript of talk
27th January 2017 . Martin Hendry, Glasgow University. "Powers of 60" with video and audio
10th February . Indranil Batik - St. Andrews University. "Thinking Outside the Dark Matter Box - Modified Gravity in Plain Sight"
10th March2017 David Patterson, DAS Chairman. "Astronomy and the art of navigation." With recorded sound and video
24th March 2017 . Colin Cunningham - Edinburgh University "The European Extremely Large Telescope - How and Why"
9th October 2015. Denis Buczynski "Newsworthy Comets
23rd October Phil Rourke (DAS)- "Detecting Solar Flares using VLF radio detection" & Andy Heenan (DAS)- DSLR astronomy photo primer
13th November 2015. Duncan Stackhouse, Glasgow, "The Sun and Solar Flares - How Accelerated Particles Affect our Way of Life"
27th November 2015 . Alexander McKinnon, Glasgow, "Lochaber to the Cosmos"
15th January 2016 . Members Evening. An opportunity for members to discuss their particular astronomical interests.
29th January 2016 . Nick Rowell , Edinburgh University. "Gaia: The Billion Star Survey Telescope
12 February 2016 . William Taylor - Edinburgh University, "Mapping Our Universe, a Thousand Fibres at a Time"
26th February 2016. Matjaz Vidmar - Edinburgh University. What Has Space Ever Done For Us?"
11th March 2015. Vanessa Smer, Edinburgh, Precolumbian Astronomy
25th March - AGM. Members Only. The Annual General Meeting of the Dundee Astronomical Society.
2018-19 season has begun links and information ...
Friday Meetings
2019-20 season links and information ...

Meetings 2022/2023 (Pages unavailable at the moment)
14th October 2022. Pete Kuzma, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. “Aboriginal Astronomy”
28th October 2022. Aurora Sicilia Aguilar, University of Dundee. “Reading between the lines : Using time measurements to map space”
11th November 2022. Indranil Banik, University of St Andrews. “Going beyond Einstein to solve the crisis in cosmology”
25th November 2022. Alistair Glasse, STFC, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. “Commissioning the Webb Telescope”
9th December 2022 : Christmas Quiz. With Jeanette Noble & Graham Young
13th January 2023 : Members' Evening. Your chance to shine!! Short talks, demonstrations, show & tell items, on any relevant subject.
27th January 2023. Emma Puranen, University of St Andrews. Hot Jupiters, Ocean Worlds, and Free-Floating Planets : Celebrating 5000 Exoplanets Discovered”
10th February 2023. Nicholas Rowell, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh “The Gaia mission at year nine: status update and latest scientific results”
24th February 2023. Juan Hernandez Santisteban, St Andrews University. “Supermassive Black Holes”
10th March 2023. John Davies, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. “Scaling the heights, space exploration told via the medium of plastic model kits”
24th March 2023 : AGM. Possibly including a brief talk or presentation.